Queen's University COVID-19 Student Resources

Updates from Environmental Groups on Campus

Queen’s Sustainability Conference (QSUS)

Queen’s Sustainability Conference (QSUS) is coming up from January 10th to 12th on the Queen’s campus and aims to bring together students from all disciplines in collaboration with sustainability-minded businesses from the Kingston area and beyond. Our theme is “Empowering Communities” which focuses on the role that local and small-scale contributions have on achieving a sustainable world. Delegates will hear from multiple keynote speakers, be involved in a moderated speaker panel, attend expert-led workshops and participate in an environmentally-focused case competition over the course of 3 days.

Fill out our delegate application at:


Visit our website at: www.qsus.ca or contact us at chair@qsus.ca for more details!


Queen’s Backing Action on Climate Change (QBACC)

Sustainability News for Canada

Very interesting article about just HOW much waste Canada is producing. Full of eye-opening info, highly recommended read if you want to learn more about what happens to your waste! https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/canadas-dirty-secret?fbclid=IwAR0Q10K8UxUDrjl7PxI9f7nfCHwhzpWJeFqKtmip2hPXlow3tpn4BzcEZ4w

Last General Divestment Meeting the 4th

Our last meeting this semester for Queens divestment took place Tuesday, December 4th. Keep an eye on our FB page to stay updates on all the latest news in the upcoming year. Come out and learn a little more about what QBACC is working towards in terms of divestment. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t attended any previous meetings, all are welcome!

Stay Connected with QBACC!

Website: www.qbacc.org

Email: queensbacc@gmail.com

Instagram: @qbacc

Facebook: @QueensBACC


Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)

The Society for Conservation Biology is welcoming the end of a successful semester. With a strong team of diversified leaders pathing the way, SCB was able to engage the community spreading word of conservation near and far. This semester, our Education Committee was privileged enough to visit 16 elementary school classrooms in the Kingston/Limestone area in order to conduct educational lessons on topics such as pollinator health, the dangers of plastic and the importance of maintaining local ecosystem diversity. The Sustainability and Issues Committee tackled a number of projects this term, from working on implementing a plastic-free campus, to hosting a dumpster art contest that showcased beautiful works of art in order to spread awareness about climate change. In late September, our Fundraising Committee held a lovely wine and terrarium potting night at the Grizz, helping to raise the funds needed to support local conservation initiatives. Additionally, SCB has been working hard to get Queen’s designated as a pollinator friendly sanctuary by Bee City Canada and we are hoping to address bird mortality on campus in 2019. Looking forward, SCB is anticipating another semester of fun and we would love for you to be part of it! Information on the general member meeting for the winter semester will be posted shortly after Christmas break. All students are encouraged to join us in helping to make Queen’s a more environmentally centered campus and we can’t wait to see you all in the New Year!


Commerce & Engineering Environmental Conference (CEEC)

Given the devastation caused by the forest fires in California, which destroyed multiple communities and left a death toll of over 88 people, now more than ever scientists are urging for immediate climate action. In a new report (https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/) produced by the National Climate Assessment (NCA), scientists claim that human contributed pollution is a significant factor to warming and has made drying forest more susceptible to burning.

Sadly, Canada has not been immune to these deadly fires. Both Ontario and British Columbia have been plagued by destructive fires that have ravaged hundreds of kilometres of forest, and displaced thousands of families. Experts have now discovered that there could be long-term environmental implications of these fires that could impact the environment for years to come. These fires can potentially burn off all the vegetation and organic soil in an area, leaving only ashes and rocks; this makes them inhabitable as ecosystems and impacts groundwater.

Climate change is causing forest fires, and the environment is being destroyed in their wake. Action needs to be taken on behalf of governments and individuals to stop these forest fires at the source. For more climate change and sustainability news, be sure to check out the Commerce and Engineering Greenfeed! http://ceec.ca/the-green-feed/


Queen’s School of Environmental Studies

Marine Management Education Opportunity at Dalhousie University

Join Canada’s leading interdisciplinary coastal and ocean management graduate program.

Dalhousie’s Marine Affairs Program provides an inquiring, stimulating and interdisciplinary learning environment to advance the sustainable use and conservation of the world’s coastal and ocean environments.

Students that participate in the 16-month Master of Marine Management (MMM) degree are drawn from diverse academic backgrounds that include natural sciences, social sciences, engineering or the humanities.

Apply today to secure a place in the class of 2019-2020

The application deadline is January 31, 2019 for scholarship consideration – all other applications by March 31, 2019.

To “Dalhousie’s Marine Affairs Program”


To “Master of Marine Management (MMM)”


To “Apply today to secure a place in the class of 2019-2020”


To “scholarship consideration”


The Earth Centre




The Diva Cup

According to a recent study by Plan International Canada, one third of Canadian women below the age of 25 have struggled to afford menstrual products. In addition to costing women an unreasonable amount of money each month, traditional menstrual products generate waste that often ends up in landfills or waterways. For instance, every year, over 12 billion pads and 7 million tampons, consisting of up to 90% plastic, go to waste. Many women are thus turning to menstrual cups as a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly alternative. A typical menstrual cup, such as the DivaCup, is worn internally, collecting menstrual flow while providing leak-free protection for up to 12 hours. A DivaCup can last up to ten years, and can be purchased wholesale at the Earth Centre (JDUC Rm. 033) for $25.00.

Over a ten-year-period, a woman’s cycle with a DivaCup would amount to less than 21¢/month and would generate zero waste. – Lilly Hickox, – Earthcentre


OXFAM at Queen’s University 

What is OXFAM?

It is an international development club that aims to alleviate poverty through equity and justice.

What is OXFAM’s Snack Bar?

It is a snack bar that sells fair trade products, such as chocolate, dried mangos, etc. It is run as a non-for-profit co-operative with the purpose of promoting accessible and affordable fair-trade goods to students!

Winter Volunteer Opportunity: Fair Trade Snack Bar

We are writing to invite you to volunteer for OXFAM’s snack bar. The commitment is only 1 hour a week with an optional general meeting every other Monday.

If you are interested feel free to fill out the following application. We would love to hear back from you!



Watch our social media pages (Instagram: oxfamatqueens fb: Oxfam at Queens University) for upcoming information on a local honey sale! These cute honey jars will be the perfect gift for the holidays.



For questions about the environmental news section, or for inquires about submitting information to be featured, please contact: sic.environment@ams.queensu.ca


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